Every once in a while, I decide that I am going to lay down the law on my children's eating habits. I spend the day psyching myself up for it - making sure I can be strong, stand my ground. "Tonight I am only cooking one
healthy meal," I tell myself proudly. "They will eat it, and they will like it!" I feel like Richy and I make mostly healthy choices about eating, why would our children be junk food junkies?? Okay, maybe junk food junkies is a bit strong, but Richmond does love some Cheetos! I try not to keep too many unhealthy foods around the house, but I do let him have Cheetos for lunch with his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Is this bad? Should I discontinue the Cheetos buying, and work through any withdrawals that may occur? Maybe that's the answer, but sometimes I think, "Can't a boy have a little Cheetos while he's young enough to burn off the calories in a matter of minutes?" When it comes to dinnertime, Richmond's choices are limited - fishsticks, spaghetti, hot dogs, hamburgers, turkey and cheese sandwiches accompanied with mandarin oranges or grapes. What about chicken? What about veggies?? I just want him to eat a little chicken and broccoli. Is this too much to ask? And then.......there's Knox. Basically, its bananas, yogurt, raisins, french fries, chicken nuggets and peanut butter on a bagel. Um.......yeah, that's it. No vegetables (unless you want to count the potato that is a french fry) and only one fruit. Nice diet for a growing boy!
So in an effort to convert my children to the healthy eaters that
I want them to be, last night I fixed a nice meal of baked chicken, broccoli, and roasted red potatoes. About half way into the preparation, Richmond begins asking, "What's for dinner?" So, I tell him what we are having. To which he replies, "No, what am
I having?" So, I tell him again, and that's when the whining, the bargaining, and the rebelling begins. He assures me that he is suppose to be having spaghetti because that is what
he wants. I respond with, "I would like to have seared ahi tuna, steamed asparagus, and a caesar salad, but we are having chicken, broccoli, and potatoes." Nice, mature response, huh? Richmond, sensing that this is a "healthy" thing, begins to think on his feet, "How about I have grapes, oranges, and raisins?" I tell him that he can choose one of those fruits to go with the rest of his meal. "Noooo Mommy, I don't want that stuff!" And the whining continues until the meal is ready. Knox would have been whining too, if he understood what was coming his way.......
I cut up the chicken (which is quite tasty I might add) and put it on a plate for Knox which he promptly throws in the floor while Richmond continues to whine. "See, Knox doesn't like it," he says. Well, duh.....Knox doesn't like anything. You'll be happy to know that I didn't say that one out loud. So in defeat, I make him a peanut butter bagel. Score: Knox 1, Mommy 0. But I am determined to defeat my eldest, even if it kills me. I cut up the chicken and place it on his plate along side a dollop of ranch dressing for dipping, a little stalk of broccoli to start, and one roasted potato. I even begin the meal asking the Lord to help Richmond eat his broccoli and chicken, that his heart may be opened to all that broccoli and chicken have to offer. What was out of seemingly a total sense of obligation because it had been prayed over, Richmond quickly took a bite of ranch-covered chicken. He seemed no worse for wear as he swallowed it. But after the second bite, it was straight to the trash can spitting and gagging.......reminded me of my reaction to tasting my first bite of seafood after I became pregnant. Yuck! How in the world can a bite of chicken make someone spit and gag (unless they are pregnant)?? Oh, the drama....... Needless to say, not another bite of chicken was consumed, and Heaven forbid if the broccoli or potatoes should touch his lips. So after a half of a can of mandarin oranges, his dinner was over. What to do? Will these children ever eat the healthy fare that I long for them to love? Will it be hotdogs and chicken nuggets at their wedding receptions, instead of shrimp and asparagus?? Who knows what tomorrow brings?
But for this night, it was......'Da Boyz 2 - Mommy 0.
Yet, I live to fight another day!!