We celebrated both boys' birthdays on Saturday with a big Fishing Party, and though the fish weren't biting, we had a grand 'ol time. We decided to combine the parties since their birthdays are so close - May 29th for Richmond and June 10th for Knox. In all ways practical, this was a great idea; however, I'm convinced Knox totally got the shaft on the 1st birthday party! Of course, the main attraction is the one who demands the most attention. Since day one of Knox's short life, it has been that way. His older brother is very active and full of energy, thus requiring most of our energy. It's quite funny to me just how little attention Knox has required since he came on the scene.......until he became mobile, he basically sat in the corner with an attitude of I'm over here if you need me. I stated this observation to Richy several times along the way prompting him to quote the most cheesy line ever to come from the silver screen, "Nobody puts Baby in a corner". I'm sure the days are coming soon when he will grace us with his outgoing personality, but I'm thankful for his current laid back ways!
The party was a blast - we celebrated with lots of family and friends. It has become tradition to have the birthday party in the park behind our subdivision. We rent the pavillion directly behind our house, decorate it with the chosen theme, and celebrate all day. I dread the day that Richmond (or Knox) decide that it's not cool to have their party in the park. Tears will be shed, and I'll only go down kicking and screaming!
Thanks to all who came and celebrated with us! To all of you who tried to fish with your kids, sorry the fish weren't biting. Hope you weren't planning to have the catch of the day for dinner!
Richmond blowing out the candles!
The whole gang.......
The pinata is always a hit!

I think Knox likes the cake!
Never too young to be proud of their truck!
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