Today, my sister-in-law and dear friend gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. He arrived at 12:09pm and was a healthy 8 pounds and 9 ounces and measured 20 inches long. He outweighed his older sister, Elizabeth, at birth by a little over 2 1/2 pounds - they do tend to get bigger each time. Case in point.....Richy was the 4th and last of his siblings. Rumor has it that at a whopping 11lb 4oz, he was practically ready for Little League at birth!
We got to meet SBW (Sweet Baby Williams) as he was escorted down to the nursery by Daddy Tate. We watched through the nursery window as he was welcomed to the world in the usual way - lots of poking and proding. There is something about watching that through the nursery window that makes this mother's heart long for that experience over and over. Problem is that you have that whole nine months of pregnancy that precedes those nursery moments, which tends to pop you back into reality faster than you can say "maternity clothes"! So for today, I live vicariously through my sister.....
Back up to the room we went to greet SBW's mommy. Of course, she looked like she could have hopped out of bed, thrown on some cute flip flops, popped the baby in the stroller, and headed down to Green Hills to do some afternoon power shopping! What's a little surgery? So they made a incision in my abdomen, moved most of my internal organs to the outside of my body momentarily, retrieved an almost 9 pound baby, massaged my uterus a little, put my organs back, and then super glued me back don't expect me to lie around in this bed, do you? Just give me some lip gloss and we're outta here!!
But not so fast sister - there's one small issue..........this baby has no name! That's right, they've known for approximately 8 months that they were going to have a baby. How can they not have a name?? This totally freaks people out - especially those people who had their babies named shortly after the engagement. But not me, because I was in the no name baby club for 2 days after Richmond was born. It took us 9 months and 2 days to decide to name our baby Richmond Lee Roberts II. Yes, 9 months and 2 days to name him......after his Dad. So, I am not shocked that SBW does not have a name. A name is a commitment - as long term as it gets. It's definitely not something entered into lightly. So I say, take your time and make it count!
Meanwhile , back at the name farm, there was certainly no shortage of suggestions. There were so many names flying around, I felt myself ducking to avoid the onslaught. Even nurse Josephine got in on the action. She was saying things like, "Have you thought about Forest?" (just using that one as an example) Did she think she was going to throw a name out there and Laura and Tate were going to say, "Yes! That's the one! Why didn't we think of that? We are eternally grateful to you, Nurse Josephine! If we have another and it's a girl, we will name her Josephine, after you!" Ummm, no, that was not going to happen. Not only did she throw out names for consideration, but she also provided the "whatever you do, don't name your baby this" names. Nurse Josephine said that she cares for about 5 babies a week named this. Unfortunately, this happened to be the name that Tate had in the hat. I'm thinking that name got squashed right then and there, but we shall see. She meant well anyway.
Then there was the name book that showed up on the scene. Who did that? That was just cruel and unusual punishment. I think they probably had it somewhat narrowed down to the point that they didn't need to introduce the name book. I mean, certainly they had a few conversations regarding the name prior to this post-partum name game event. It was an absolute hoot!
So, what's in a name? Everything......that's why SBW is SBW on this first day of his life. Because his mother and father want to make sure he has a strong name to carry through life. And rest assured, this baby will not wander aimlessly through life without a name!!
It was a special day, and I was so blessed to be a part of it! The birth of a child is a miracle in the truest sense of the word. SBW was presented with the most precious gift today - his wonderful parents. They were chosen for him by God - what a blessed baby boy he is on this day!
Congratulations Tate, Laura, and little Elizabeth Tate on your new family of 4!!
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