I love to open the door to Knox's room in the morning. It is one of my most favorite of God's blessings each day. The unknowns lurking behind that door make my life just a little more exciting! First of all, there is the hair.....you never know what you are going to get. It's so much like his personality - quirky and unpredictable. And then there's the emptying of the crib. He likes to throw everything out of his crib when he wakes up in the morning, as if to say,
"I've been with this stuff all night, and I'm over it!" When I walk in, he is quick to point to his stuff laying all over his room, much like he is explaining a crime scene.
Over there is my dog, he was the first to go over the edge. Hasn't moved since he landed. He loves to come up with something new to surprise me, as if he knows the thrill I am seeking when I open the door. Sometimes it is just a word or an expression that I haven't heard or seen before. Sometimes it's a new game such as "hide the paci". He likes to hide his paci in his pillow case. When I walk in, he will shake the pillow so that I hear the paci, and then he will hold his hands up in the air and say,
"Paci? Paci?" And all of this adventure while his hair is usually standing out in every direction - it totally cracks me up! But today had to be one of my all time favorites. I walk in and he has unzipped his pajamas down to the feet, which in and of itself is not too funny. But never in my life have a seen a child more proud.....of what, I can't be sure. It was tough to know if he was proud of the act of unzipping, or the unveiling of his physique. I truly think it was a combination of the two! He was dancing around his crib and clapping his hands - you would have thought he had just been cast in the latest
Baby Einstein production. (Richy actually calls Knox "Baby Einstein" because....well, he's a baby with Einstein's hair. You thought it was because he is extra smart, didn't you?) Anyway, I clapped and danced too, and then I broke the news......clap and dance today, because tomorrow a big, round, white belly might not make you clap and dance. Unless you are working out with Richard Simmons to get rid of your big, round, white belly....and that's a whole other story!

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